The Beauty of Imoinda
#Oroonoko #The_Royal_Slave #Aphra_Behn


Although Imoinda has very little power to act for herself, it is clear that her presence is an essential part of the plot and that she is a powerful catalyst for the action. According to Charlotte Sussman Imoinda 'is figured simultaneously as a passive piece of property and as an erotic, powerful agent. Her most powerful attribute is clearly her beauty which causes Oroonoko, the king of Coramantien and according to Trefry 'no man of any nation, ever beheld her that did not fall in love with her'

In most cases, Imoinda's beauty and grace bring her power of a sort, but not power that she desires. She rises to the enviable position of King's mistress, and in Surinam, her daily duties are carried out by her admirers. Imoinda is not given a voice within the text, so we can only infer what she does want through the narrator's words. We are left to infer that the only power she wants is her power over Oroonoko. Her acts of communication are always through her eyes and usually affirming her love or constancy to Oroonoko.

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